Wednesday 29 June 2011

Figure me out not...

Why do people feel they need to figure us teenagers out? Just because you may think that we're all out of whack and stupid and stuff doesn't mean we really are or we really do it on purpose. I guess that's just the was adults are... they need to know absolutely everything or their brains explode, well that's how they make themselves appear. Teachers think we do all the bad stuff on purpose like we demons sent from the devil himself to send all the adults mad. Teachers... they makes us feel as if they're the boss and they always will be. It's almost like they think we don't know were going to be older and have responsibilities, it's like they feel we're ignorant of the fact that we might be parents someday. We know that, we know we're probably going to have the house all to ourselves and have no one to clean up after us but seriously we know that fact and that's the reason we act all dumb and stupid and silly. It's because we don't want to waste all our teenage years studying hard and then when we're finally grown up we won't even be able to have fun like this again.

It's just like my childhood. I dodn't run around or play like all the others kids because despite my age i was always aware of how i looked and what i would look like if i ran around and acted stupid. Now that i'm a teen it's like i should've played and messes about while i still had the chance... When no one would judge me harshly.  

Wednesday 22 June 2011

High School Sucks...

i don't think all you grownup's on here remember but in high school there will always be a time where nobody likes you. I mean Sure you can be fun and goofy and nice but you can't stay that way forever. So there'll always be a time where being a teenager is just too much...

Friday 17 June 2011

BoyFriends and Best Friends

I hate how when girls get boyfriends they go so kookoo over them. It's cool having a boyfriend yeah but whatever happened to friends. Girls seem to forget all about them when they get a bf, they never seem to have time or place for the people who they've known all their lives. After hearts are broken and tears are shed. you'll regret picking the boy over a friend.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Gorld Going By

I wish i could just stay cooped up in my room and never leave just so the world can go past without me. No one would miss me, except my teachers and the few friends i have. The real friends i mean. Anyone living in reality would know what i mean.
All I'd do was think that the world was really like the quotes on google say. Like i used to think when i was 10. Like my older sister sees it when she's a bit hyper.
The only reason i can't is i need to go to school, it's actually become a habit getting up at exactly 7:00am in the morning.
it's actually a bit annoying on the weekend.
If i could just stay in my room all I'd need to do was sit and draw, (don't forget write) about all the imaginary things in my head.
Unlike most of those brain dead girls out there,
i don't need a big strong guy (ew)
I can look after myself

...Oh and no offence guys.

Friday 10 June 2011

Love to Blog

I've noticed i haven't even posted on thi blog since FOREVER! ok well last month but yeah i'm a teen obviously i'm gonna exagrate.
I don't know why i just love blogging, i think it's just because i can write whatever comes to mind!
and i don't know why i just told you that???
well it is a random blog XD